Pin Flare..we dig it!
Lately, we've been all about that flare...the PIN flare that is! Customizing and adding a touch of sass has always been our favorite way of elevating our look to the fullest. (Hence, our ZG cases!) We've caught on to these tiny metal pins of awesomeness and have highlighted our top faves below:
BBF Lapel Pin from Valley Cruise Press:
For obvious reasons this is a must for you and your BFF. And because we use this emoji as much as we use the cat heart eyes.
Psychic Pin by Explorers Press:
What girl isn't a psychic? Call onto your crystal ball with this little diddy that let's everyone know you are the future.
Ice Cream Pin by YO SICK:
An ice cream cone with sunglasses?! Count us in! Sweet treats are everything when added with a sprinkle of sass. An obvious #must / #want!
No New Friends Pin by Pin Trill:
Vibesss by Zero Gravity:
Vibes are everywhere and we've been feeling them A LOT so we made this pin that you can add to your daily wear or even your ZG pouch. Either way it's a great addition that comes with every purchase order!
Keep your PIN GAME strong!
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