Coachella Fever

The Coachella dust has settled and your either broke and happy, or content with money still in your pocket and annoyed that everyone keeps asking "Are you going?!". But the fever is starting and the desire for sun, dust and 24-hour music is making us have a cold sweat. Whether it's for ACDC or Drake, you can't deny that this yearly debauchery in Indio is ALWAYS tempting.

So the question remains.....are you going?!  

To get you into the spirit and magically induce a out of body experience, we feel like kicking off the weekend with the "Official" Coachella playlist.

AND because it's FRI-YAY so why not? 

SO turn it up and close your eyes and let's pretend were drinking 5 dollar waters while listening to the Weeknd. You know it's worth it.


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